Books & Book Chapters

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Books & Book Chapters

  • Weijie Zhang, Sen Zhang*, “Catalysts: Combinational Heterogeneous Catalysis”, Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, Elsevier Ltd. In press.
  • Weijie Zhang, Sen Zhang*, “Catalysts: Materials” Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, Elsevier Ltd. In press.
  • “History and Fundamentals of the Colloidal Synthesis of Shaped Metal Nanoparticles.” Personick, M. L. in 100 Years of Colloid and Surface Science, Nagarajan, R., Ed. ACS Symposium Series, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2023 (anticipated). Accepted, forthcoming. Invited book chapter.
  • “Halide Ions on Metal Nanoparticles for Shape- and Composition-Controlled Synthesis.” Wang, C. J.; Shapiro, E. F.; Personick, M. L.* In Encyclopedia of Nanomaterials (1st Edition), Yin, Y.; Lu, Y.; Xia, Y., Eds. Elsevier: Oxford, 2023; pp 263-276. Invited book chapter. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822425-0.00003-8.
  • “Plasmon-Mediated Syntheses of Polyhedral Noble Metal Nanoparticles.” Personick, M. L.*, In World Scientific Reference on Plasmonic Nanomaterials, World Scientific: Singapore, 2022; Vol. Volume 22, pp 47-88. Invited book chapter. DOI: 10.1142/9789811235221_0002.